Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Biggest Loser!

Oh how I love a challenge. You see, I have gained a lot of weight in the last 3 years. I quit smoking about 3 1/2 years ago and it seems like since then I have gained a bunch of weight. I sounds like I'm using smoking as my excuse but honestly, I didn't gain any until I quit. Now, don't get me wrong I'm super glad that I did quit because I feel so much better and I know that I'm much healthier..I just wish I could have not taken up eating after quitting.
 Enough of the complaining! So, I started this challenge with some ladies at work and a few outsiders! We are doing the Biggest Loser Challenge. I'm super pumped about this challenge, and let me tell ya, a challenge it will be! We put in 10 dollars to start and we weighed ourselves. Me currently weighing 145 pounds..YIKES! I weighed 142 6 years ago when I delivered Kelsie. Oh. My. I have a lot to lose, BUT, I can do this! I have been watching my calorie intake, which isn't going to swell for me because if you know me then you know I LOVE Dr. Pepper. I have also been working out almost every evening. I can't wait until it gets warmer outside and not raining so I can go walking/running and biking! I love biking. This is going to be difficult for me at first but I'm going to stick with it. I have to! For me, my daughter, and Jeff!!! When I met Jeff I was in a size 3 and now I'm in a size 10. Yes, I'm embarrassed about that but I'm willing to tell you all that information because one day I will be back in a size 6!
 Wish me luck!! I will keep you all posted and post pics up as I go along! I know I can do this! I know I can do this! I want that beach body! I want that beach body!
 Have a joyous day! I know I will! I feel refreshed after my workout this morning.

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