Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hair Mania!

Okay. This morning Kelsie wanted her hair pulled back in a pony tail with a rockin head band! She wanted to put her hair up herself so I told her that she should definitely try but if she couldn't get it then I was going to put it up for her. Bad choice of words for me because that led into madness in the morning that I didn't need in which led me to being 6 minutes LATE for work. She tried and she tried and just couldn't figure out how to get the hair tie to just go around 1 more time. I insisted I would help her on the last wind around but NOPE! I then told her it was me doing it or she had to wear it down and my little lady wore her hair down with her rockin headband and a braid on the side. Oh. The. Drama.
 Honestly, I'm glad she wants to do her own hair and is trying but darn it do we have to be so emotional about it in the end. Ha! I remember getting mad at myself when I couldn't do something right that seemed so easy!! I love her no matter what. I had a bright idea for her and that was to get her My Size Barbie out this evening and practice working with her. And she did And she got the pony tail in her hair but couldn't get it in her own. OKAY!! Drama meltdown number 2!!
  Anyways, hope you all have had a wonderful day full on NO RAIN!!  Have a great evening!! Loves!

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