Tuesday, November 22, 2011


So, Kelsie has decided that she wants to play basketball. OKAY!! I love when she tries something new totally out of her comfort zone! She has talked non stop about being a cheerleader. When we got the paper sent home about basketball I asked her if she wanted to play and her response "uh... mom, I can't be a cheerleader and play basketball." WOW..Girl wants to be a cheerleader.
She loves all of the high school cheerleaders. It helps that some of them are good friends of the family :). They love showing her all of their cheers and stunts! Thanks ladies...You girls rock!

So.back to basketball! I was glad she said she wanted to play. She did a weeks long basketball camp a few months ago and hated it! ha! ha! She is not very coordinated so I wasn't sure how well it would go for her..but, to my surprise she was a little aggressive in the game. Her first game was Saturday and let me tell ya, girl was not giving the ball up!

I am not sure how long she will continue to play. I am definitely going to encourage her to play. Some of my family members have told me that they think she is into to much.
Maybe but she doesn't do all of it at the same time. So, I don't think her wanting to try every sport is to much. Do you? She does gymnastics on Tuesdays for an hour, she does girl scouts 2 tuesdays out of the month, basketball practice one night a week, and basketball games on Saturdays only. Do you think that's too much for a 6 yr old? Maybe it is...I guess I just let her do what she likes. I have told her that if I pay for her to do something she will finish it out. She's not going to be a quitter.

For some reason I love the picture above. She was about to fall here and I caught her in the act! :) She makes me smile! I am so blessed to have her as a daughter.

Well, that is all I have for now. Hope you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner with your wonderful families! I am working that day so I won't be home with mine...but that's okay. They know I am thankful for them..

Oh and I am off on Black Friday so I get to get my shopping on!! Can't wait to see my lovely friends and shop the night and morning away :)

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